Determine where your sensitive data is and why it is sensitive. Tag, classify and score that data based on the content.
Find out who has access to your data and how it was granted, and reverse excessive permissions from within the solution.
Find out what your users are doing with your data and whether the changes they are making are affecting your security.
Get instant notifications when users are making changes they have never made before, including single point anomalies.
Hundreds of pre-set reports related specifically to security and data access governance challenges.
Get alerts delivered straight to your inbox or mobile when potentially harmful changes are being made.
The modern attack surface is expanding every day as employees join, leave, and move roles within the business. This often causes access rights to sprawl out of control, leading to increased risk. Our Data Access Governance software enables you to identify where your sensitive data is, see who has access to it, how access is being granted, spot users with excessive permissions, and monitor user behavior.
When permission changes are made that could lead to unauthorized or unnecessary access to sensitive data, your potential attack surface and risk of data breaches increases. With Lepide, you can spot these permission changes and reverse the change from within the solution itself.
Lepide also automatically detects users with excessive permissions to help you speed up and streamline remediation.
With our intelligent anomaly spotting you can detect and react to user behavior that may be putting you at risk of security breaches. Lepide can detect single point anomalies and enables you to action automated threat response templates to help shut down threats before they cause irreparable damage.
A single report displays all your sensitive files and folders and allows you to filter, search or group for easy interrogation of the data. This feature of Lepide Data Security Platform enables you to add context to the raw data Microsoft provides and helps satisfy compliance audits. The data collected from multiple storage locations is then consolidated and centrally stored for multilocation reporting capabilities.
With just a simple right click, you can instantly create alerts to track critical changes to a sensitive file or folder. Our threshold-based alerting allows you to create alerts if a group of conditions are met. You can apply contextual filters, so you only receive alerts around your most sensitive files. Get instant notifications when files are copied, moved, deleted, modified and renamed – or if permissions are modified. Alert when sensitive files are accessed, or access attempts have been made over a period of time. Determine which files and folders are utilized by which users and when.
With multiple predefined reports and intuitive report builders around you unstructured data, we’re able to schedule a report with multiple filters and a range of reporting options based upon either one, a few of or all the files that contain sensitive data. These reports can be scheduled to be automatically delivered to a user of your choice via email; enabling you to automate the delivery of the report to either the data owner, your DPO, a compliance officer or Information Security Manager. Reports have been specifically designed for security and compliance mandates such as PCI, GDPR, SOX, HIPAA and more.
With our flexible reporting platform, you’re able to drag, drop and group reports by either classification type (i.e. Credit Card, PII) by data owner, by last accessed date or a combination of multiple filters. You can then easily search, or sort, based on text or wild cards. You may have multiple classification rules configured and data tagged with different severity levels to help you adhere to specific compliance regulations or security policies. This will then help you sort the data based upon the compliance requirement you are working towards with flexible reporting around your most sensitive files.
Being able to determine current permissions in your File Server helps to ensure that only the right users have access to the right data – which will enable you to enforce a Policy of Least Privilege. Lepide Data Security Platform enables you to easily uncover and visualize who currently has which permissions to your most sensitive files and folders by comparing applied NTFS and Share Permissions.
Using the permissions exploration feature, determine by what means and method the access was granted to this data, who granted the access levels and when. A simple way of helping to reduce the risks of permission sprawl on your most important files and folders. This means that, if a user is given excessive permissions to sensitive data (either directly inherited from a parent directory or applied through group membership), you are able to easily identify the effective permissions and the complete scope as to how these permissions are being granted.
Once installed, you will be able to create snapshots of current permissions to allow you to keep a track of historical permissions and compare them with just a few clicks. This gives a complete view of permission evolution through time. Understanding what permissions were applied to sensitive data in the past, what those permissions are today and how the permissions have evolved through that designated window of time.
Pick a user or a group and easily drill down to see exactly which files and folders this user can access. You can also see the permission levels that apply to the specific files and folders to help you maintain control of the levels of permissions to your critical data.
A simple report enables you to see a list of all the open shares that exist within your environment, along with the files and folders that reside within them to help ensure you can spot data that is over exposed and needs to be secured down.
In this webinar, we’ll demystify the principle of least privilege and demonstrate how to implement it effectively to protect your sensitive data.
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