Insider threats are often harder to defend against than external ones since the majority of insider threats are completely unintentional. The best way to combat them is to adopt strict security measures and monitor your permissions and users. The Lepide Data Security Platform gives you the visibility you need to detect and react to insider threats quickly and efficiently.
Continuously monitor user interactions with data and spot anomalies in user behavior that could lead to breaches.
Determine who has access to your sensitive data and how that access was applied to implement zero trust.
Automate your incident response with script execution upon the detection of anomalous or unwanted behavior.
Detect Insider Threats in Progress Monitor user behavior in relation to your most sensitive data and spot anomalies. Be notified in real time or through pre-defined reports. We can even detect single point anomalies to give you the best possible insight into your security.
Prevent Insider Threats From Happening Analyze your current access controls to determine whether you are operating on a policy of least privilege. Spot permission changes that create potential insider threats. Spot risks to the security states of your environment.
Respond Quickly to Insider Threats Streamline your security operations by providing the visibility over breaches caused by insider threats. Integrate with SIEM to add full context to changes being made. Automate script execution upon the discovery of an insider threat to automatically shut down the threat in progress.
Any employee, ex-employee, contractor, business associate or third-party with a user account in Active Directory has the potential to be an insider threat. Such threats arise when these users gain authorized access to systems/data or attempt to breach IT security. Any of these people can leak sensitive data either accidentally or maliciously. Lepide Data Security Platform allows you to see patterns that may indicate when users have become an insider threat. It allows you to track permissions/permission change, audit critical on-premises systems and track file/folder level activity. You can apply real-time or threshold alerts on assigning administrative privileges, granting access to a data folder, deleting a file/folder, successful/failed attempts to read a file and other critical events.
Determining user logon and logoff details with the Event Viewer generates a lot of noise and may lead to you losing valuable time and information. Lepide Data Security Platform offers various pre-defined logon and logoff reports for Active Directory users. You can check which users have logged on at which computers and when a particular user has logged out. Using numerous reports, you can determine the time of first logon and last logoff of any user. If a user is trying to perform multiple logins at the same time on different computers, that can be an indication of a possible malware attack (especially when all of these attempts are being displayed in a “Failed Logon” report). With pre-defined logon reports, you can analyze which user accounts have been logged on at multiple computers at the same time even when they are in different locations.
If someone is misusing or abusing the privileges delegated to their Active Directory account, you need to know. Lepide Data Security Platform enables you to detect the signs of privilege abuse in many ways, including: auditing all server components permissions, auditing all permissions to an object, comparing permissions of an object between two dates, historical permission analysis (of Active Directory, Exchange Server and File Server) and current permission reports (to show the currently effective permissions of Shared Folders).
Active Directory acts as the backbone of the IT Infrastructure. Having a large number of inactive user and computer accounts in Active Directory can pose an insider threat. Inactive accounts can provide a way for users to gain access to critical servers or data in order to delete or leak it. Therefore, obsolete accounts should be treated as a security threat and dealt with accordingly. The in-built Active Directory Cleaner feature of Lepide Data Security Platform scans the Active Directory periodically, lists all unused user and computer accounts and enables you to take pre-defined actions to remove them. Its reports can be scheduled to be delivered to the intended recipients through email.
A guided tour of the Lepide Data Security Platform, your ultimate solution for robust and proactive data and identity protection.
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