Microsoft 365 Security

Disrupt attack paths and bolster your Microsoft 365 security stack by finding and fixing vulnerable security states, and detecting and responding to threats in real time.

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Add Intelligence to Your Microsoft 365 security stack with threat detection and response


Machine Learning backed behavior analytics learns what the normal behavior of your M365 users looks like and will alert you when anomalies are detected.


Real time alerts and over 400 pre-defined reports for changes being made to your M365 stack ensure you are able to visualize your risk in real time.


Automated responses can be triggered from real time alerts to help mitigate threats like rogue admins and ransomware attacks.

Assess and prioritize risk across M365.

Manage and protect your cloud and on-premise data from one` consolidated platform. By seeing changes from Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online and Azure Active Directory in one place, you can actively visualize and manage risk.

External data sharing in Office 365
  • Spot Data Being Shared Externally
  • Spot Changes to Permissions
  • Audit Non-Owner Mailbox Access
  • Monitor Access to Sensitive Data

Identify Vulnerabilities and Lock Down Sensitive Data.

Visualize which of your users have access to sensitive data by generating a full list of permissions and how those permissions were granted.

Manage users with excessive permissions from the Lepide Data Security Platform to ensure Zero Trust is maintained and your threat surface area is reduced.

Permissions by objects

Featured resource.

The complete guide to effective data access governance.

By following the guidelines outlined in this paper, your organization can establish a robust data access governance program that supports its business objectives and protects your valuable data assets.

Get the free guide now!
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