Password Expiration Notifier for Active Directory Users

Stay proactive with our Active Directory Password Expiration Notification Tool. Send timely notifications, enhance security, and keep your passwords up-to-date.

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Password Expiration Notification tool.

Combine security and IT management through automation and in-depth reports. The average IT user today manages around 19 passwords, so it’s hardly surprising that changing passwords frequently is not a common occurrence. Many organizations do not realize the number of users they have with passwords set to never expire. These are easy problems to fix with a solution like Lepide.

Automate password reminders to free up your IT team.

Lepide enables your IT team to automate mundane tasks, such as reminding users to reset their passwords. Lepide provides fully customizable, automated emails to users notifying on their password expiry date. Follow up notifications can also be sent should users fail to take immediate action.

Automate Password Reminders

Clean up passwords that never expire.

Having users with passwords that never expire unnecessarily increases your threat surface area. If an attacker gains access to this account, they will have it forever.

With Lepide, you can generate a detailed report on users with passwords that never expire so that you can reduce your potential threat surface area and implement stricter password policies.

Clean up Passwords That Never Expire - screenshot

Generate comprehensive password reports in seconds.

Pre-defined reports can be generated in seconds to show a complete summary of expired passwords, passwords soon to expire, password changes logon failures, account lockouts and much more. These reports can be delivered via email and are exportable in a variety of common formats.

Comprehensive Password Reports

Featured resource.

How to Avoid privilege abuse in Active Directory.

This whitepaper addresses the potential abuse that exists within your organization and suggest tangible steps to tackle them.

Get the free guide now!
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