Lepide Identify adds context to the rest of the Lepide Data Security Platform by allowing you to focus on the data that matters the most. Persistent data classification at the point of creation allows you to build a picture of your sensitive data and satisfy compliance requirements.
Locate sensitive, regulated data in your on-premise and cloud unstructured data stores. Classify sensitive data at the point of creation to avoid lengthy scans. The context our data classification provides will improve your ability to govern access effectively and detect threats quickly using the Lepide Data Security Platform.
Locate PII by easily scheduling searches in your Windows File Servers. Generate all the information you need to respond to DSARs, right to be forgotten, or eDiscovery requests. Avoid false positives by combining multiple values and scanning a wide range of file types.
A guided tour of the Lepide Data Security Platform, your ultimate solution for robust and proactive data and identity protection.
View recordingReduce your threat surface by identifying over-exposed data, spotting misconfigurations, and auditing changes with
Lepide Auditor 🠂 Access GovernanceSee who has access to sensitive data, spot users with excessive permissions and govern access to data with
Lepide Trust 🠂 Threat DetectionDetect and react to threats with anomaly detection, alerts, threat models, and automated threat response with
Lepide Detect 🠂Identify where your most sensitive unstructured data is located, and classify data at the point of creation with
Lepide Identify 🠂 Permissions ManagementRemove excessive permissions to implement zero trust with
Lepide Protect 🠂 AI Security HelperEnsure that your organization stays agile and makes quicker decisions by interrogating data faster with our AI helper.
Lepide IQ 🠂