Lepide Trust

Permissions Analysis Solution

Get instant visibility over the changes being made to permissions and determine users with excessive permissions to implement a policy of least privilege.

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Assess user privilege and implement zero trust.

A fundamental part of any good zero trust policy is enabling effective access governance over sensitive data. With Lepide, you can get complete visibility over the permissions structure of your business, and spot when changes are creating over-privileged users.

Analyze permissions.

Find out who has access to your sensitive data and how that access is being granted. Determine effective permissions by object, by user or by mailbox. Spot changes to permissions that create privileged users. Identify where they got these permissions from, and reverse the changes if required. Generate a list of your privileged users, and see where they are getting their permissions from.

Analyze permissions. - screenshot

Revoke excessive permissions.

Analyze the way that your employees are using their permissions to determine whether the permission is excessive. Lepide reports on users that have access to sensitive files or folders, but are not using that access, to give you a clear picture of where to start when revoking permissions to implement zero trust.

Revoke excessive permissions. - screenshot

Spot data at risk.

Having sensitive data open to all users through open shares creates unnecessary risk. With Lepide, you can spot and react to this risk quickly. Auto share discovery enables you to spot new shares as they are created and determine whether the share is open – giving all users access to sensitive data.

Spot data at risk. - screenshot

Featured resource.

Free Tool to List Active Directory Admin Users.

Get a complete list of your admin users in Active Directory in a clean and easy report..

Download free tool
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