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Lepide Data Security Platform 21.1 Now Scales Better Than Any Other Solution in the Market

8 March 2021, Austin, Texas – Over the years, we have come to understand the challenges customers are experiencing with other Data Security Platforms, and we have taken it all on board. With the Lepide Data Security Platform 21.1, we decided to completely overhaul how our solution scales, to better serve our customers’ needs.

In organizations that have a large number of unstructured data stores, security teams have really struggled with how other solutions on the market scale. Again and again we would hear phrases like, “it just doesn’t scale,” “it requires too many resources,” and “performance starts degrading and the alerts are too slow.”

We thought, there must be a better approach.

It turns out, there was!

We have now designed a “functionality orientated” architecture meaning that wherever your area of risk or focus needs to be at that time, you can apply isolated resources directly to it. This means, as your data centric security or access governance project evolves, your solution can too!

The benefits include:

“Being able to prioritize the functionality that can solve the biggest problems for you is great news for all of us,” says Philip Robinson, Head of Marketing at Lepide. “It means we can quickly build you a personalized plan on how to roll the solution out based upon what you would like to achieve first, ultimately resulting in a quicker time to value (and making the life of our engineers super easy in the process). It doesn’t get any better than that.”

In addition to the implementation of enterprise scalability, the Lepide Data Security Platform 21.1 enables security teams to report on open AWS S3 open buckets, report on permissions in OneDrive and automatically discover open shares.

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